Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 5:00pm
Pugh Hall Ocora

Challenges to Democracy

* Amel Ahmed, University of Massachusetts;
* Jeffrey Kopstein, University of California, Irvine;
* Lucan Way, University of Toronto

The past two decades have highlighted that democratization is not a linear process, and that even relatively entrenched democracies can face challenges to their core institutions and values. Contemporary challenges have manifested as subtle manipulations of democratic institutions by incumbents as well as abrupt and direct assaults on democratic norms. These challenges cut across east-west and north-south cleavages, exposing weaknesses in countries across the continent. Do the events of the last two decades suggest that we are witnessing a trend of democratic erosion in Europe or are we simply witnessing singular cases of backsliding that are unconnected? The panelists will explore the current state of democracy in Europe through discussion of the origins of the current cases of backsliding, the (dis)similarities with the rise of authoritarianism in Europe during the early-to-mid 20th century, and an examination of what these trends mean for the character of European politics moving forward.

Presented by the Center for European Studies and the Raymond and Miriam Ehrlich Eminent Scholar Chair in the Department of Political Science.