Resources for Research
Pre- and Post-VE Survey Instrument
The IntCrit and IntComm Attitudes and Beliefs Survey measures critical thinking and communication and consists of 26 items. This survey has been administered to the general undergraduate population at UF, providing a point of comparison for its use with specific populations, such as students who have participated in study abroad or virtual exchange. The Office of Global Learning (OGL) can administer this survey as a pre- and post-VE assessment to UF students as one way for you to assess the effectiveness of your VE project. Contact OGL at as early as possible to request that the IntCRIT and IntCOMM Survey Instrument be administered, so they can send your students the first survey before your VE begins. You will then receive a report of the survey findings after your VE project is completed, and you can reference and cite this report in your publications.
Publications from the Field
UF Faculty Publications
- Dissanayaka, D., Velte J. M., McDuffee, S. T., Martins, C. E., Gazis-Seregina, R., & Martins, S.J. (2025). A step-by-step approach to professional communication and career exploration through virtual exchange. NACTA Journal, 69(TT), 1-4.
Keywords: Virtual interview, international, COIL, Collaborative Online International Learning, active learning - Mocko, M., & Kumar, S. (2025). A qualitative analysis of reflections from a discussion of data ethics conducted during a virtual exchange. In J. Kaplan & K. Luebke (Eds.), Connecting data and people for inclusive statistics and data science education. ISI/IASE.
- Rodriguez, P. (2024). Developing professionals to meet the needs of the global campus through virtual exchange for staff. NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Retrieved November 5, 2024, from
- Martins, C. E., Martins, S. J., & Risner, M. E. (2024). Beyond borders: Building capacity and enhancing institutional resources for U.S.-Mexico virtual exchange initiatives. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 7, 18-37.
Keywords: global education, curriculum internationalization, Latin America, COIL, digital literacy - Traum, M. J., Jones, T., Doher, J. A., Gurley, K., Magruder Waisome, J. A., Provost, A. L., Mella-Alzazar, A. A. C., & Angulo, L. R. (2024). Virtual Exchange Embedded in a STEM Summer Camp Improved United States High School Students' Awareness of Filipino Culture. American Society for Engineering Education.
- Mani, D. (2023, July). Virtual exchange to develop more humanity-driven STEM pre-professional undergraduate students. The Global Impact Exchange, Spring 2023, 76-78.
- Wood, E. A., Collins, S. L., Mueller, S., Stetten, N. E., & El-Shokry, M. (2022). Transforming perspectives through virtual exchange: A US-Egypt partnership part 1. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1-9.
Keywords: collaborative online international learning (COIL), virtual exchange, internationalization, global public health, transformative learning theory (TLT) - Coche, R. (2021). Course internationalization through virtual exchange: Students’ reflections about “seeing the world through the lens that is soccer.” Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 76(4), 412–424.
Keywords: collaborative learning, international, pedagogy, students, sports reporting - Risner, M. (2021). Building global competence and language proficiency through virtual exchange. Hispania 104(1), 6-10.
Keywords: 21st century skills, global competence, telecollaboration, virtual exchange - Marull, C., & Kumar, S. (2020). Authentic language learning through telecollaboration in online courses. TechTrends, 64, 628-635.
Keywords: online language learning, authentic language learning, experiential learning, synchronous communication, telecollaboration, virtual exchange - Risner, M., & Kumar, S. (2020). Internationalizing teacher education through virtual connections and blended learning. eLearn Magazine, July 2020.
Keywords: Professional development, international online education, K-12 blended and online learning - Risner, M., & Kumar, S. (2016). Graduate student perceptions of a globally networked course. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 8(3), 287-301.
Keywords: global learning, global education, globally networked learning environment (GNLE), educational technology - Ruggles, K., Risner, M., Kumar, S. & Brown, H. (2016). From Course to Classroom: Preservice Teachers’ Understandings and Implementation of Global Education Lessons. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.) Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (p. 786). Savannah, GA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 3, 2024 from
Keywords: global education, online technologies, teacher preparation
State of the Field
- Lee, J., & Song, J. (2019). Developing intercultural competence through study abroad, telecollaboration, and on-campus language study. Language Learning & Technology, 23(3), 178-198.
Keywords: telecollaboration, study abroad, on-campus language study, intercultural competence - O’Dowd, R. (2018). From telecollaboration to virtual exchange: state-of-the‑art and the role of UNICollaboration in moving forward. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 1, 1-23.
Keywords: virtual exchange, telecollaboration, online intercultural exchange, computer mediated communication, intercultural communication, internationalization - Helm, F. (2014). Developing digital literacies through virtual exchange. eLearning Papers, 38, 43-52.
Keywords: virtual exchange, foreign language education, intercultural dialogue, digital literacies, critical literacy
Pedagogy and Practice
- Flowers, S., Kelsen, B., & Cvitkovic, B. (2019). Learner autonomy versus guided reflection: How different methodologies affect intercultural development in online intercultural exchange. ReCALL 31(3), 221–237.
Keywords: online intercultural exchange, social networking, guided reflection, learner autonomy, virtual exchange - Giralt, M., & Jeanneau, C. (2016). Preparing higher education language students for their period abroad through telecollaboration: The I-TELL Project. All Ireland Journal of Higher Education, 8(2), 2781-27821.
Keywords: interculturality, period abroad, intercultural awareness, telecollaboration - Guth, S. (2013). The COIL Institute for Globally Networked Learning in the Humanities. SUNY Coil Center.