Welcome to the UF Faculty & Staff Global Engagement & Expertise Survey! 

You are invited to participate in a survey regarding international connections and engagements. This information will help our office generate an interactive map of UF's global footprint while promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing across the campus by helping us identify clusters of international expertise and engagement! In this quick survey (5-10 minutes), you will be asked to identify countries where you have teaching experience, research experience, institutional affiliations, or other expertise and experiences. 

This survey is not designed to gather information related to compliance requirements, nor is it in response to recent concerns about foreign influence, local laws, intellectual property rights, immigration status, international travel risks, etc.  Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and you have the right to skip any questions or withdraw from the survey at any time without consequence. Your participation is confidential, and you will be asked at the end of the survey if you would like to publish your contact information.

If you have concerns about any of the questions in this survey, please email the UFIC Office for Global Research Engagement: ogre@ufic.ufl.edu

Thank you for your participation and for helping us promote UF faculty and staff’s global engagements!