International Travel

Visiting the world outside our country's borders can be an incredibly rewarding experience. UF is committed to ensuring the health and safety of every student, faculty, and staff member while abroad on university business. To fulfill this commitment, UFIC provides 24-hour emergency contact, monitors international events, informs program participants of potential health and safety issues and provides international health insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation and repatriation coverage. To receive this service all UF students, faculty and staff traveling outside the US on official university business must complete an Online Travel Registration.

International Travel Screening and Visitor Policy

If you plan to travel abroad, please review the UF Travel webpage for travel policy information and updates on new state requirements. If you are traveling with a UF-owned item (e.g. your UF-owned laptop, tablet, or hard drive), visit the myAssets Portal to submit a foreign travel request prior to departure.  

If you plan to host collaborators or visitors from abroad, or host foreign nationals, please review the UF Visitor Policy to ensure compliance with U.S. export controls, trade sanctions, embargoes and state statute. Additional information on the UF Visitor review process can be located on the International Scholar Visit webpage.

Travelers' Health

The Center for Disease Control keeps the public informed about potential health issues in specific destinations in addition to Immunization requirements and recommendation for country or countries you plan to visit. If you need immunization shots before traveling, you can get them at UF Travel clinic, which also provides individualized travel counseling and immunizations specific to your itinerary. You can also contact the Alachua County Health Department for general information concerning immunization requirements for any country, as well as for the Immunization Clinic hours.

Travel Advisories

The Department of State provides travel advisories for countries of potential unrest and danger around the world as well as information on travel regulations and recommendations. The University of Florida carefully monitors these advisories. Graduate students who wish to undertake research in countries with a Level IV advisory, should contact john Mulligan for more information.

Entry to Other Countries

For entry to another country, please consult the following web sites to verify whether a visa is required for entry: Foreign Consular Offices in the US and/or Foreign Embassies of Washington D.C. Foreign UF employees and students should check with the respective embassy in their home country since different requirements may apply to travel to another country. All UF faculty, staff and students must secure documentation to permit entry to another country.

If traveling to Canada or Mexico, please contact those embassies well in advance to find out the requirements. You may also contact the U.S. embassy in Canada (list of embassies) or Mexico (list of embassies). If you are going to Canada or Mexico in regard to your U.S. visa you will need an appointment.

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