Fulbright Awareness Month 2025

The International Center and the UF Fulbright Committee are excited to announce that Fulbright Awareness Month (FAM) will be celebrated from March 11 to April 10, 2025.

FAM will feature a series of informational sessions designed for scholars, faculty, staff, and students, offering valuable insights into the Fulbright program, its application process, and the experiences of past Fulbright participants. As always, the University of Florida and the International Center are committed to supporting faculty, students, and staff as they explore international exchange and collaboration opportunities through Fulbright.

This year’s information sessions for faculty and staff interested in applying for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program will feature a representative from the Institute of International Education (IIE) in Washington, D.C., Jen Murray.


(Registering implies consent to be recorded.)


Registration Link

U.S. Fulbright Scholar Info Session with Jen Murray, Assistant Director for Outreach and Recruitment, Fulbright U.S. Scholars Program at IIE

Thursday, March 13th, 12:30 -1:30 PM, (For Faculty)

Register Here


My Fulbright in 7 Minutes:

with Kathleen Colverson, Animal Science,

Fevi Rose Paro, Public Health and Health Professions

Syarifah Al Athas, Design, Construction and Planning

Thursday, March 27th, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, (For all Audiences)

Register Here


Managing Fulbright Recruitment and Retention with Claire Anumba, International Center, Brittany Hollister, Graduate School

Luis Johnson, International Center

Monday, March 31st,

12:30 -2:00 PM, (For Faculty & Staff)

Register Here


Fulbright Spring Lecture with

Michael Kung, Director and Assistant Scholar, Office for Global Research Engagement

Nicole Fuls, Interim Co-Director, Study Abroad Services

Thursday April 3rd, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, (For all Audiences)

Register Here


How to Prepare a Successful Fulbright Application with Greg Kiker, IFAS Agricultural and Biological Engineering and

Muthasami Kumuran, IFAS Family, Youth and Community Sciences

Tuesday, April 8,    

10:00 - 11:30 AM, (For Faculty)

Register Here

Things to Consider when Applying for a Fulbright and Preparing to Go with Karen Reed, College of Nursing

Always Available Online!

(For Faculty)

UFIC YouTube Channel

To sign-up for any of our planned events, please register at the links indicated above.

Fulbright grants and fellowships are available in all fields of study and in many world regions.  

For more information visit Fulbright Scholar Program for Faculty.

To learn more about Fulbright programs and activities at UF, contact the appropriate Fulbright coordinator:

Claire Anumba


Foreign Student Program & U.S. Scholar - Program (UF Faculty)

Brittany Hollister


U.S. Student Program

Luis Johnson


Visiting Scholar Program & Nonresident Tuition Waiver

Muthusami Kumaran


UF Fulbright Committee