International Scholars Program Course Designation

The International Scholars Program (ISP) is a global distinction available to all degree-seeking undergraduate students. The program encourages UF students to enhance their global engagement through the completion of international coursework, international experience or language learning, and participation in co-curricular activities. As a capstone to the program, students are required to produce an electronic portfolio where they reflect upon and showcase their international engagement at UF. Upon completion, students receive a graduation medallion. To learn more about the International Scholars Program, click here.

Course Eligibility

Courses must be inherently global (i.e., Global Health, The Arts in a Global Age, Global Media, Global Engineering Challenges/Engineering in a Global Context, Language & Culture courses, International Development…) or contain a significant global component. Examples of global components include:

  • A mandatory course project based on a global issue
  • Meaningful interactions with international students or immigrant/migrant communities at home or abroad
  • International Virtual Exchange (teleconferencing) modules

Courses will be considered for ISP designation based on: (Heading)

  • Interdisciplinary undergraduate appeal
  • Availability to non-majors
  • Minimum of 3 credit hours
  • Expectation of availability for more than a single year and semester
  • Preference will be given to courses at the 2000-3000 level and to courses without prerequisites 


In order to be part of the recommended curriculum of the International Scholars Program courses must incorporate the following Student Learning Outcomes:

  • SLO1 (Content): Students identify and examine the historical and contemporary roles, interconnection, and differential effects of human organizations and actions on global systems within the human and natural worlds.
  • SLO2 (Critical Thinking): Students identify and explain multiple perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary, and ethical) when exploring subjects with natural and human systems.
  • SLO3 (Communication): Students recognize and participate in cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal communication to negotiate a shared understanding based on those differences. 

Courses must support the mission of the International Scholars Program to enrolled students by:

  • including the following blurb in the course syllabus: International Scholars Program: This course fulfills one of the curriculum requirements of the International Scholars Program. Learn more about how you can obtain a graduation medallion and digital badge with this distinction by visiting the program’s website.
  • Scheduling a 10 minute class talk with an ISP representative OR linking to the ISP informational video on the course’s Canvas page.

Requesting ISP designation for your course

In order to graduate with the International Scholars distinction, students need to complete 4 global courses totaling 12 credit hours. Faculty teaching inherently international courses and those who have added international content and activities to a non-international course are encouraged to consider adding their courses to the International Scholars Program core curriculum. ISP designated courses are added to the program’s online catalog and regularly promoted through newsletters, social media, and student advising sessions.

If you would like your course to be considered for an ISP Designation, please click below for the application form.





Please email with any questions.