WIS4523 (HD of Natural Resources) students will collaborate with students at the University of Costa Rica and Universidad Austral de Chile to learn about student life in these institutions and to identify and explore a human dimensions issue in Latin America.
- Understand the methods used in human dimensions research and how they are applied in different contexts
- Using an example from the VE partners, identify the components of the Triad of Natural Resource Management
- Develop an appreciation for human dimensions issues in Latin America
- Gain a better understanding of student life in Latin America
- Understand key methods used in human dimensions research and how they are applied (i.e. surveys, observation, participatory approaches, interviews, focus groups)
- Be able to develop an HD instrument
Asynchronous Activities: 2 hours/week
Individual Work: 2 hours/week
Sequence of Activities
Icebreaker Activity: Students create a visual introduction poster that includes basic information about themselves. Poster will be created during the first zoom/online meeting session and should take about an hour to make (likely with some time after the meeting for students to edit their entry)
Engagement Activity: Before the VE, students watch a video created by my VE partners (Ronit and Marcela) that describes who they are, the process of the VE, and gives them examples of human dimensions research they conduct
Collaboration Activity: See VE lesson plan by clicking the orange button below.
Reflection Activity: At the end of both VE meetings, students will submit a reflection along with the assignment. There will be one final reflection at the end of the VE.