Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 12:50pm
Reitz Union, Rm. G330

Social time and networking will follow the lecture.

International Womens Day v2

Join us to celebrate INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY with Dr. Brenda Boonabaana from Makerere University (Uganda)

Wednesday | March 8, 2023 | 12:50 pm | Reitz Union Rm G330 
Followed by networking social until 2:30 pm

Embracing Equity: The Power of Working Together for Women’s Empowerment

Dr. Boonabaana is faculty in the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism at Makerere University, Uganda. During this academic year, she is a provost postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Geography and the Environment at the University of Texas, Austin.

Her research examines Sustainable Development and Gender, as well as Climate Change Adaptation among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda. She is a Feminist Geographer and an advocate of women and girls’ empowerment, food-secure communities, as well as healthy, sustainable, and resilient environmental ecosystems.