Dr. Kathleen Colverson from the USAID funded Livestock Systems Innovation Lab, (LSIL), and Arati Joshi, Ph.D. student from Ag Education and Communications recently traveled to Nepal to conduct a number of workshops related to increasing equitable household nutrition with vulnerable populations.
The workshops, entitled " Engaging Men and Boys in Equitable Household Nutrition” were provided to graduate students and faculty at the Agriculture and Forestry University in Rampur, Nepal. Approximately 20 participants learned why the quantity and quality of food consumed in the household is often inequitably distributed, and who in the family actually requires higher levels of protein and micronutrients. This information will be used by students to enhance their LSIL funded graduate research on integrating aspects of gender and youth into livestock systems.
Dr. Colverson and Arati also facilitated an interactive workshop for LSIL PIs, Co-PIs and graduate students on Engaging Men and Boys in Equitable Household Nutrition at Heifer International headquarters in Kathmandu. This workshop aligns with LSIL research currently being conducted in Nepal related to improving household consumption of milk and dairy products with vulnerable populations such as women and children under 5. This information will be integrated into future work in Nepal and builds on previous research Dr. Colverson conducted with LSIL partners in Rwanda.