UF Faculty Department College
Pablo Lamino Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Partner Faculty Department Partner Institution
Bernardo Trejos Department of Environment and Development Zamorano University
Research Practice About Intercultural Communication
Project Description:

This VE project will allow students from both classes (Research Methods and Intercultural Communication) to acquire research skills related to intercultural communication. This will include qualitative interviewing abilities and quantitative data interpretation skills. In week 5, students will receive an explanation of the assignment, allowing them to ask as many questions as they consider.  In week six, a survey related to intercultural communication will be administered to pre-assess the influence of the activity on them. In weeks 10 to 13, they need to conduct the interview with their counterparts. In week 13, a post-assessment will be administered to determine the influence of the activity on them. The data from the survey will be made available to students, and students will have a space for reflection about the learning process at the end of week 14. 


Learning Outcomes:


  • Identify the parts of qualitative and quantitative research instruments.

  • Collaborate in obtaining qualitative and quantitative research data in an intercultural context.

  • Administer quantitative and qualitative research questionnaires.


  • Identify cultural values and beliefs across different societies.

  • Understand verbal and non-verbal communication behaviors are influenced by culture.

  • Respect for different cultural perspectives and practices.

  • Sensitivity to cultural differences in communication.

  • Recognition and interpretation of cultural values, messages, and implicit meanings in communication.

  • Application of appropriate and effective intercultural communication skills.

Participating Countries:
Number of Participants:
33 UF students & 35 Zamorano students
UF Course Code & Name:
AEC 3073 - Intercultural Communication
Project Duration:
3 Weeks
Activity Type(s):
Student-to-Student Dialogue
Student-to-Student Project
Time allotted to each activity:
Synchronous Activities: 2 hours/week
Asynchronous Activities: 1 hour/week
Individual Work: 1 hour/week
Technology Tools:
Google Translator
Sequence of Activities: