We’ve created several documents to aid you with the financial aspects of your study abroad application. The forms linked below are only relevant to the UFIC application process. Therefore, they are used only by the UF International Center and should not be forwarded to other offices. Please read the documents linked below carefully.
Please note that the Deferment Form and the Florida Prepaid Request Form serve two different functions. Even if you’ve submitted one or both documents, you must still follow up on your Bright Futures, Florida Prepaid, and any other funding assistance separately. Submission of these documents does NOT release, or guarantee, any funding.
Deferment Form
If you are planning to pay for part, or all, of your study abroad program charge with financial aid, that disbursement date may be after your payment due date. In this case, you can submit a Deferment Form that would extend your due date (for UF-Sponsored programs only).
For that extension to be approved, you must 1) submit the deferment form, and 2) make the initial (partial) payment through ONE.UF. That amount is calculated on the form.
Florida Prepaid Request Form
If you would like to apply Florida Prepaid funds towards your study abroad program charge, and you are earning transfer credit through your program, you must complete and return the form linked above to the UF International Center. Please note that because the form asks for your Social Security Number, it must be submitted in-person, faxed, or securely sent via email.
Study Abroad Interactive Budget Worksheet
Our office has also created an interactive budget worksheet to aid students in determining their comprehensive program costs, as well as how financial aid and scholarship funding might contribute. We encourage you to use this worksheet to financially prepare for your experience.