Daniel Sinclair BredahlBredahl Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Daniel Sinclair Bredahl, a journalism major at the University of Florida. While studying at UF, Dan wanted to pursue a career in international journalism. His desire was not only to report on different cultures but also to work to bring cultures in contact with each other. His freshman English teacher wrote that Dan “pursued the purest of all quests – that of knowing himself through his curiosity and wonder about what was around him.” He always asked, “What should I expect of myself?” Abstract theories did not interest him; rather he was excited by new experiences (rappelling in Jaipur, India, or eating squid with Japanese fishermen) and by his relationships with people he met throughout the world (from bar owners and poets to his roommates at home and abroad). Dan dreamed of a world where people worked toward understanding each other. Although his passage was short, it was as wide as the world. His journey is still alive in the hearts of those who knew him; it is just beginning in the lives of those who will come to know him through these scholarships and their own experiences as “citizens of the world."

If you’d like to learn about previous Bredahl Scholarship recipients and their adventures abroad, visit this website!


  • Current undergraduate degree-seeking student
  • 3.0 GPA or higher
  • Must be taking enough credits to remain a full-time student (12 credits/semester or 6 credits in summer)
  • Must have begun a study abroad application in our system
  • Must be studying on an in-person (not virtual) program
  • Must be studying abroad during the Fall, Spring, or for an Academic Year

Essay Requirements

Statement of Purpose

(500-750 words)

Please address the following questions:

  • Why have you chosen to study abroad on this specific program? How will your study abroad program help you achieve your academic and professional goals? For example, are you taking any specialized courses? Are you completing an internship? Are you doing research? Are you studying a language? Please be specific.
  • How do you plan to learn about your host country and engage with the local culture/community during your program?
  • Why do you deserve the support of this scholarship?

Financial Need Statement

(250 words max)

Write a short essay that explains your need for financial assistance. Be as detailed and candid as possible. This statement provides a good opportunity for you to describe any unusual circumstances that prevent you from paying for your study abroad program and/or affect your current eligibility for other financial aid.
Letter of Recommendation Please submit a letter of recommendation from a professor, supervisor, or mentor who can speak to your academic or professional achievements and potential for success in a study abroad program. The letter should provide specific examples of your strengths, experiences, and how you would benefit from and contribute to the study abroad experience.

Community Service & Extracurriculars

(200-300 words)

Please address the following question:

  • What are you most proud of in your community service and/or involvement with extra-curriculars activities?


Spring 2025

October 15th, 2024

Fall 2025 & Academic Year 2026

March 20th, 2025