With so many study abroad programs available worldwide, finding the right one to fit your personal, academic, and professional goals can seem overwhelming. To help guide you through this process, we have created a step-by-step checklist you can reference:

Exploration & Preparation:

  1. Attend a Study Abroad Info Session, which are held every Tuesday and Wednesday during the Fall/Spring semesters from 3:00 – 3:50 pm in the UF International Center Small Conference Room. If you are unable to attend one of our live info sessions, you can watch our virtual info session presentation via Youtube.  All students MUST attend this session before meeting with a Study Abroad Advisor.
  2. Visit our Study Abroad Peer Advisors in person, at the University of Florida International Center, from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm every day to learn more about studying abroad from a peer’s perspective.
  3. Search for Study Abroad Programs online. You can filter your search by country, region, term, and more! Keep in mind that each program and term has different application deadlines, so make sure you are planning ahead.
  4. If you don’t already have a passport, apply for one now through UF Mail & Document Services! Please note that due to COVID-19, passport processing times may be delayed. We strongly advise you to apply for or renew your passport as soon as you know you'd like to study abroad. If you do have a passport, verify that it is valid until at least six months after your planned return date to the U.S.

Logistics & Program Selection:

  1. Once you have narrowed down your program interests to a specific country or region, you can make an appointment with the appropriate Study Abroad Advisor to learn more specific information.
  2. It’s time to apply to your chosen program! On each program’s webpage is a blue “Apply Now” button that will initiate an application for you. Please note that all aspects of that application must be completed in order to be considered for the program. Applications which are incomplete by the listed deadline may result in your removal from the system without further notification.
  3. Create a budget for your program using this interactive budget worksheet to compare and plan out costs. You may also want to contact Student Financial Affairs to ask any financial aid questions related to study abroad, such as questions about Bright Futures.
  4. Consider applying to scholarships to help fund your program costs. Each year, the International Center awards nearly 200 scholarships to students going abroad. Find out all about these opportunities and the application requirements here.

Approved & Ready to Go:

  1. Once you have been approved for a program, you should determine whether or not you will need a visa to enter your host country. Reference the U.S. State Department’s website for more information on your country’s entry requirements.
  2. Visit the CDC website and speak with your healthcare professional to see if you need to obtain any vaccinations prior to international travel.
  3. Complete our mandatory online Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) to prepare for your time abroad – personally and academically. Our online PDO consists of 5 modules: Travel Preparation and Logistics, Academics Abroad, Staying Healthy Abroad, Safety Abroad, and Cultural Adjustment and Identity Abroad. You will be required to watch and read all materials in these modules and pass some assessments acknowledging you’ve understood the material. In addition to these online modules, you’ll also be required to attend a live PDO which will be an excellent opportunity to meet other students studying on your program/in the same country as you! 

Finally, go have an amazing experience abroad. Tag @ufstudyabroad in your photos and keep in touch with your Study Abroad Advisor with any questions that arise.