The University of Florida continues to be one of the few U.S. institutions selected to participate in the program “Expanding and Embedding COIL Virtual Exchange at Honduran and Central American Universities,” a regional partnership initiative supported by the United States Embassy in Tegucigalpa. Two UF faculty were selected to participate in the program this fall:
Dr. Sanethia V. Thomas, Assistant Instructional Teaching Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, will be working with a professor from Universidad Estatal a Distancia in Costa Rica on a VE project embedded in her course “Global Software Engineering/Senior Design,”
Dr. Gayle Evans, Clinical Assistant Professor in Science Education in the College of Education, will be working with a professor from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán in Honduras on a VE project embedded in her course “Classroom Interactions in Secondary Science.”
Both projects are set to be implemented in Spring 2025. Congratulations, Dr. Thomas and Dr Evans, on being selected for this prestigious initiative!