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Topic: Living in Gainesville Seminar Series: Family-Friendly Activities
The UF International Center recognizes the intricacies of adapting to a new city, embracing its culture, and partaking in social and cultural activities, especially if you are here with your family. In light of this, we are pleased to introduce our Seminar Series for Fall 2023, which is uniquely tailored to provide essential support to scholars with families and children. Our goal is to ensure you have access to the information you need, enabling you to navigate Gainesville and its surroundings more effectively while making the most of your time here at UF.
Join us this Thursday, November 16th, at 2:30 p.m. in the Large Conference Room in the UF International Center, or by zoom. For this first seminar, we will discuss family-friendly activities around Gainesville. Light refreshments will be served.
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Meeting ID: 947 6290 9212
Passcode: 444095