UFIC has created this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to provide answers to common questions related to special requirements for F1 Visa Status for continuing and new international students during the Fall 2020 semester.
Topics covered include registration requirements, online courses, temporary leave, practical training (CPT and OPT), and more. Please consult the Fall 2020 FAQ and read through the information provided. After reading the information there, if you have additional questions not addressed in the FAQ, please reach out to your UFIC Advisor for your case-specific questions. We hope you find this resource helpful as you proceed with your plans for fall 2020!
Many of these issues were also discussed and questions were answered by UFIC administrators during a Zoom Town Hall webinar on Friday July 24. A recording of that event is available here. Please note, this webinar was recorded on Friday, July 24, 2020, before the new SEVP updated guidance issued later that day. The new SEVP guidance provides updated information which actually benefits our new/Initial students. This guidance modifies the information provided in the recording from the 8:47 minute mark to the 9:14 minute mark. Please refer to the FAQs noted above regarding Fall 2020 enrollment for new/Initial students. The webinar was also heavily focused on questions primarily applicable to the continuing F1 student population who have an active SEVIS record as of Spring 2020.