Join us in welcoming our fourth and final Bacardi Scholar this semester, Dr. Teresa Longobardi. This speaker series is focused on the theme "Exploring the Road Ahead for Sustainability." On Friday, March 28, at 4:15 pm in Grinter 376, Dr. Longobardi will talk "Vaso Lleno: Harnessing Opportunities for Water Sustainability in Puerto Rico."
Dr. Teresa Longobardi, PhD is a Full Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, holding a doctorate in Economics. Interdisciplinary education and research characterize the versatility of Dr. Longobardi’s academic career. As a body of work, her research explores the economic impact of health and culture on society. She has published in prestigious medical journals on health services research and health economics and in international business journals in finance and consumer behavior. She teaches courses in finance, economics, statistics, and research at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
In September 2022, Dr. Longobardi was awarded a grant from the US Geological Survey through the Puerto Rico Water Resources and Environmental Research Institute to make a documentary on the cost-effectiveness of alternatives for household potable water sustainability in Puerto Rico.