UF Faculty Department College
Heather Stark Department of Epidemiology College of Public Health and Health Professions
College of Medicine
Partner Faculty Department Partner Institution
Etienne Nsereko College of Medicine and Health Sciences University of Rwanda
Virtual Exchange Sharing Public Health Issues and Cultures
Project Description:

This Virtual Exchange course, which spans a period of four weeks, offers a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of Public Health while fostering cultural competencies and global collaboration. In this immersive program, students will gain a deeper understanding of the innovative methods of communication needed to address health challenges in diverse global communities. By participating in this exchange, students will not only broaden their public health knowledge but also recognize the impact of culture on health outcomes.

Learning Outcomes:

● Students will recognize some concepts of culture and its functions in our lives and how it affects health outcomes.

● Students will reflect on the dimension of their own identity and how they relate to their interaction with people from other cultures.

● Students will recognize the influence of their own culture on their intercultural interactions.

● Students will be able to acknowledge and respect different cultural approaches to problem solving.

● Students will be able to develop critical thinking from the ethical perspective of interculturalism, in order to analyze the present and facilitate future projects.

● Students will be able to listen to others actively and respond in culturally appropriate ways.

Participating Countries:
Number of Participants:
4 UF students and 3 University of Rwanda students
Global Health
UF Course Code & Name:
HSC4930 - Global Public Health
Project Duration:
4 weeks
Activity Type(s):
Student-to-Student Dialogue
Time allotted to each activity:
Technology Tools:
Sequence of Activities: