SAS collaborates with faculty and international partners to prepare a budget for each study abroad program and guides faculty on how to financially prepare for travel. If you are interested in learning more about what costs need to be budgeted and how to determine the study abroad program fee, please refer to Chapter 4 of our Guide to Study Abroad Program Development.

Outlined below are some of the most common travel and financial questions the SAS team receives. Please review this information and contact us if you have any further questions.

Program Fee/Budget

The program budget prepared by the International Center will contain both program expenses, faculty costs and administrative charges. Once the budget is finalized and approved, the program fee is established and can be published.

What is included in the program budget?
​Below is a general list of what is included in program budgets. For a full description of each, please refer to Chapter 4 of the Guide to Study Abroad Program Development.

  • Student Expenses (instructional cost for UF credit, host university tuition and fees for transfer credits (if applicable), lodging, in-country travel/ events, health insurance, UFIC administrative charges.)
  • Faculty Salaries
  • Faculty Expenses (airfare, lodging, per diem, health insurance, baggage fees (if applicable) etc.)
  • Student Assistants ((salary, airfare, lodging, per diem, health insurance, baggage fees (if applicable)
  • Fixed Program or Group Cost (guest lecturers, classroom rental, group transportation, any ‘one cost for all’ expenditures)

How much am I paid to teach abroad? Can I take a reduced teaching salary to lower the program fee?

  • The teaching salary for 9-month faculty is based on several factors including rank, number of credits taught, and length of program. Please note that salaries for a program shorter than 28 days will be pro-rated based on a 6-week program.  An administrative supplement is also budgeted to compensate faculty for recruitment efforts, risk management abroad, accounting of program expenses, etc.  Faculty is always free to take a lower salary to reduce the overall program fee. 
  • Twelve-month faculty and faculty receiving other funding during the study abroad program term will require the college dean’s approval for additional compensation. The HR-600 “Request for Approval of Additional University Employment and State of Florida Employment (HR-600)” will be initiated by UFIC and sent to your department for approval. The current salaries offered to faculty teaching abroad are as follows:
    • Salary will be paid in a lump sum (as OPS) on the UF “payday” of your program end date.

Assistant Level Faculty



3 credits

2nd course

Associate Level Faculty



3 credits

2nd course

Full Level Faculty



3 credits

2nd course

Can I make changes to the budget once the program fee has been published?
Generally, once the program fee has been published, we cannot change it. There might be extraordinary circumstances when we will be able to lower the program fee, but these cases are rare.

Can I have a Student Assistant accompany me on the program?

Based on anticipated program enrollment, a student assistant may be budgeted. The budget can include a stipend of $550 per week, max $2,750, per UFIC guidelines along with comparable travel expenses as faculty. For budget and risk management purposes, UFIC recommends one faculty per 10-14 students with an added student assistant for 15 or more students. If the budget allows, a student assistant can also be added at a later time.

Working with Providers/ Vendors

Am I allowed to sign service contracts with providers (both in the US and abroad)?
All contracts with providers need to be reviewed and signed by UFIC. You should not sign any service agreements but rather forward any contracts to UFIC for approval.

Can I negotiate directly with a provider or should I keep UFIC involved in the planning?
Throughout the program development process, you should always include Nicole Fuls ( on your communications with international partners or your selected program provider. This way, UFIC can assist in negotiating with the vendor/provider.

How will providers / vendors be paid?
All payments to vendors will be processed by UFIC’s Finance Manager, Sebastian Rodriguez Natali (, and Accounting Specialist, Tesha Law ( upon receipt of an invoice.

Does my international partner need to complete an IRS form?
Foreign vendors will be required to complete the IRS form W8BENE if not currently in UF’s vendor file. Sebastian Rodriguez Natali ( and Tesha Law ( can provide instructions to be sent to the foreign vendor.

Approximately, how long does it take for UFIC to pay the vendor?
UF processes payments to vendors on a net 30 timeline from date of invoice.

Travel Preparation

Faculty are first required to complete a Travel Agreement Form that is emailed approximately 60 days prior to the start of the program. Once this agreement is signed and returned to UFIC, you may begin planning for travel.

Do I arrange my own airfare, or is it done by UFIC? How should I pay for airfare?
Faculty will arrange their own airfare. Airline tickets should be purchased on Air cards in the UFGO System. Please refer to your travel agreement for chartfield information. Do not use your personal credit card when booking your airfare. The International Center will no longer be responsible for reimbursement of canceled airfare (regardless of reason of cancelation), if purchased with a personal credit card.

As faculty director, when can I arrive/leave my host country in accordance with what is included in the budget? What if I want to extend my time for personal/professional reasons?
UFIC will allow for faculty to arrive 1 or 2 days prior to the start of the program to make any last onsite arrangements before students arrive. You are welcome to stay in the country upon completion of the program, but at your own expense. UFIC will ask for a comparison of airfares (original program dates vs. different end date) and will reimburse the fee of a flight for the original program dates in the budget.

Can I bring my family with me for the duration of the program?

Faculty members can choose to take family members such as a spouse and/or children abroad with them. However, it is important to note that family members cannot interfere with the safe and timely delivery of the program and are not permitted to participate on any program activities that fall under the aegis of the program or provider. Please note that the university is in no way responsible for family members while abroad. UFIC will not pay for additional costs associated with accompanying family members (e.g. a larger apartment to house accompanying family, transportation, baggage fees, excursions, meals, childcare, etc.). Faculty must notify UFIC of accompanying family prior to departure. If you plan to bring minors, UFIC will request proof of separate full-time childcare for the period that the study abroad program is running.

Can I request a travel cash advance?

Yes, a travel cash advance can be requested through UFGO as part of your travel request. In order to process the request, please see your department’s Travel Processor for further instruction and guidance. Note that only the approved per diem and approved baggage amounts can be requested. For other items please contact Sebastian Rodriguez Natali (

How do I request a program expense cash advance?

You may request a Program Expense Advance 30 days prior to travel. This is for expenses associated with the program, such as student expenses, excursions, etc. Note the distinction between a travel cash advance and a program cash advance.

Please make an appointment with Sebastian Rodriguez Natali (  to go over the necessary forms, obtain proper signatures and get the advance direct deposited into your account.

Reconciling Expenditures: While you are abroad, it is important to keep ALL receipts for payments you have made on behalf of the study abroad program and for reconciliation of your “travel cash advance” and “program expense advance”. Below are brief descriptions on how to reconcile expenditures, but you can find more detailed information here.

How do I submit my receipts?

  • For a travel cash advance: Please submit all original receipts to your department travel processor upon return to process the expense report.
  • For the program expense advance: All faculty must make an appointment with Jackie Johnson for reconciliation of funds. At this appointment, you will need to bring all original receipts from the program so we can account for each expense.

What if I paid by credit card?
In order to reconcile any credit card payments for your travel expenses or program expenses, you must provide an itemized receipt. Receipts for travel cash advances go to your department and any receipts for program expense advances will be processed by UFIC.