
To watch the entire talk, please visit here.

Antonio talks about how to let down your guard and engage in courageous dialogues that really matter. He addresses topics from diversity, exclusivity, to vulnerability. His examples as a parent and life learner remind us how we need to focus our attention on cultivating culture in our relationships. Antonio Farias joined the University of Florida in 2018 as its first chief diversity officer and senior advisor to the president. He oversees university-wide efforts to advance equity,...


Original posting from The Alligator, full article can be found here.

Anna Volentics, a 20-year-old UF international studies sophomore, doesn’t fly home to Budapest for Thanksgiving because it is not celebrated there.

“I always have a million invitations to all my friends’ house to celebrate with them, which is so, so kind because I think it’s such a warm and intimate family gathering,” she said. “I literally have no issue leaving campus to visit a friend or go hang out with someone and spend Thanksgiving with...


The Gator Nation is everywhere! After 35 days of traveling across six cities in two countries, visiting 17 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and completing two three-credit Family, Youth and Community Science courses, the “2019 UF in India & Nepal: NGOs and Development” taught by Prof. Muthusami Kumaran concluded on July 28th. The 26 attending students went through intensive academic, experiential, multi-cultural and contextual learning processes of the program.


Dr. Kristen Stoner (Professor of Flute) performed the world premiere of her composition The Five Rings for solo piccolo, in Lully Hall of the Ghent Opera House in Belgium (July 15), as part of the College Music Society International Conference. She also presented a lecture entitled The Belgian Flutist Who Altered the Course of Brazilian Music at the Concertgebouw in Brugge, Belgium (July 18), as part of the same conference.

In addition, Dr. Stoner performed a chamber music recital at Barton House in Cirencester, England, on July 10. She collaborated with Dr. Tabatha Easley, flute, and Dr. Tiffany Valvo, clarinet, both of Virginia Commonwealth University.


The University of Florida International Center (UFIC) has been awarded $1.177 million from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to implement a research  project titled Advancing women’s participation in livestock vaccine value chains in Nepal, Senegal, and Uganda. The primary goal is to increase livestock vaccination uptake by women, using a gendered intersectional transformative approach (GITA). The GITA approach not only takes gender into consideration but also considers other factors, such as age, race, caste, ethnicity, religion, and livelihood. The funding comes through the...


Welcome to the University of Florida, F-1 International Students!

Please follow the Check-In Process:

1. Complete the Online Check-In

2. Complete the In-Person Check-In


For Online Check-In

1. Read ALL the required reading

2. Upload your I-94 Form, Passport, F-1 Visa, US Port of Entry Stamp, and I-20

3. Update Your U.S. Address and Emergency Contact in MyUFL

4. Read the Statement of Understanding and Sign Electronically

5. Submit Your New International Student Check-In Application


For In-Person Check-In:

1. Bring your I-20 and Passport


The UF NaviGators International group is now accepting mentor and mentee applications for the Fall 2019 Semester Matching Program. American and International student applications are now open and available on their website.

The NaviGator program is a great opportunity for American students to meet people from different countries and for International students to feel more at home while abroad. If you've always wanted to study abroad or just want to meet people from all over the world, then simply fill out the match form.
Head over to the UF NaviGators...


As you may have heard, the Chinese government recently issued a warning to students planning to study in the U.S., alerting them to potential visa delays and further complications. We have immediately seen an understandable increase in queries from concerned students about pending I-20s (the documents students need to apply for a US visa). We have also heard from some units on campus requesting information on the status of student documents.

Please know that we are currently working hard to issue pending I-20s for admitted students planning to enroll in the fall. Unfortunately, changing federal regulations, increasingly stringent oversight procedures, and longer processing times...


Source: CJC Profiles webpage

By Lenore Devore, B.S. Journalism 1984

Many people say age doesn’t matter. But when you’ve accomplished a lifetime of work in your first 30 years, age matters. Think of how much time Caitlin Healy, B.S. Journalism 2010, has to continue contributing her talents to make the world better.

Her accomplishments so far, to name a few:

Spent four years in Senegal in the Peace Corps

Source: UF College of the Arts, In the Loop

Hilla Ben Ari is redefining the female body and masculine culture through her work. Creating works mainly focused around the strength and resilience of the female body, the Israeli visual artist creates pieces of art that highlight the limitations and boundaries of the human body.

Through the Israel Institute's Visiting Artists Program, Ben Ari is guest teaching at the UF School of Theatre + Dance and exhibiting work with the School of Art + Art History’s University...
