
In an effort to enhance the quality, diversity, and scope of institutional professional development in the areas of global learning, study abroad, career development, and marketing, the Learning Without Borders initiative sponsored communicators Mabel Cardec and Maria Ramirez to attend the Council for Advancement and Support of Education conference (CASE) in New Orleans. The CASE conference explored new advances in multimedia and offered insights into working with audio, photography and video for website and social media.

Additionally, Amila Tica and Caroline Cully attended the Global Internship Conference (GIC) in Detroit, a forum dedicated to advancing the knowledge of academic...


When Liselotte de Wit was in high school in the Netherlands, she worked at a facility for patients who had severe dementia. Her time taking care of these patients had a profound effect on her education and career goals.

“Witnessing the patients and their family members sparked an urge to lessen their mental suffering at a very young age,” she said. “Ever since, my goal was to get the best education to understand the mechanisms causing this burden and help develop and improve treatments.”

Inspired to pursue a career in neuropsychology, de Wit was drawn to the scientist-practitioner model at UF’s department of clinical and health psychology. As a student in the department’s...


Presenters include: 

  • Jennifer Osorio, Interim Head, International Studies, University of California at Los Angeles 
  • Margarity Vargas-Betancourt, Latin American and Caribbean Special Collection Librarian, University of Florida 
  • Jessie English, Cuban Heritage Coordinator, University of Florida 

The Harn Museum of Art is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Lee Anne Hurt Chesterfield as their new director. Chesterfield will provide the leadership, vision, and long-range strategic planning for the Museum’s financial stability, programmatic excellence, inclusiveness and equity, and continued growth and success. Dr. Chesterfield comes to UF from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, where she served as the principle advisor to the Director and oversaw all aspects of the museum’s strategic plan and board relations. Dr. Chesterfield earned her Ph.D. and Masters in Art History, specializing in Pre-Columbian Art, from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Bachelor of Business...


UFIC hosted a group of high school students and teachers visiting from Unidad Educativa Nacional (UEN) in Galápagos Ecuador.

This group of potential Global Gators are also connected to UEN, which is one of UF’s partner institutions in Ecuador. The visitors will be engaging in activities with UF Latin American Studies and Eastside High School, their sister school.

For more information, visit the Donors Choose website and The Gainesville Sun.


Source: IFAS Blog

Natural and agricultural disasters can lead to massive human migrations, and a University of Florida scientist will lead a group that will improve our ability to predict the patterns of those movements.

Rachata Muneepeerakul, an associate professor in agricultural and biological engineering for the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, has received a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to study human movement patterns. UF’s portion of the grant is about...


The purpose of the Environmental & Global Health (EGH) Study Abroad program in Haiti was to provide students with opportunities where they would grapple with external disruptions to what have become adaptive contexts and supporting fluid (and marginalized/vulnerable) populations. Throughout their experiences they learned public health skills and knowledge through various interdisciplinary methods and practices in the very setting where these global health challenges persist. Students had the opportunity to practice research methods in the field, in addition to contributing to the efforts of local host organizations and communities.

Students were joined by EGH faculty (Drs....


The Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization is granted to a limited number of institutions each year - usually no more than five. The award recognizes overall excellence in internationalization efforts as evidenced in mission, strategies, programs, and results.

Stay tuned for more photos and updates from UF staff attending NAFSA!


Congratulations to the following students who received a Fulbright award for the 2018-19 year!

Adrian Acuna Higaki: Spain 
Erica Drayer: Taiwan 
Cacey Farnsworth: Portugal 
Daimiris Garcia: Israel 
Megan McDaniel: Jordan 
Hali McKinley Lester: Brazil 
Elizabeth Pantaleon: Palestinian Territories 
Alexandria Wilson: Czech Republic

These students are some of over 1,900 U.S. citizens who will conduct research, teach English, and provide expertise abroad for the 2018-2019 academic year through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Recipients of Fulbright awards are selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement as well as...


Source: Seeker.com

There are more than 7,000 languages on Earth, yet half of the world’s 7.6 billion people speak just 24 of them and 95 percent speak just 400 of them. That leaves five percent of the global population spread across 6,600 different languages, hundreds of them now spoken by less than ten people.

The rate of language loss has reached such a breakneck pace that some scholars predict we’ll lose 90 percent of the world’s languages in the next century, akin to a linguistic mass extinction event.

The main driver of language endangerment and...
